Additional Terms

In this document you will find a number of additional terms for the Artloca Platform.

Below you will find the following additional terms:

  • Fees and Commission
  • Privacy Standards
  • Off Platform Policy
  • Content Policy
  • Review Policy
  • Non Discrimination Policy
  • Standards
  • Copyright Policy
  • Payment Terms
  • Intellectual Property Policy
  • Return Policies

Fees and Commission

Last updated: January 2021

What are Artloca’s Fees and Commissions?

Listing Fees

To help Artloca run smoothly and to cover the costs of the products and services we provide, such as 24/7 customer support, we charge a tiny listing fee for each artwork uploaded.

Artloca charges a £0.15 fee per artwork listed (10 works = £1.50). This fee is for us to manage server costs and ensure the quality, relevance and authenticity of each work uploaded. 

We may offer a £0.00 listing fee during certain promotional periods.


Artloca takes a 20% commission on all sales on the platform. This commission is exclusive of taxes in the Sellers jurisdiction. 


If you sell an original work, Artloca will receive a 20% commission on the final sale price. If a promotional discount code is offered, the discount will be deducted from the price of the artwork and the 80/20 commission split will then be calculated. (See below for more information on Promotional Discounts)

For open edition prints, artists are entitled to 80% of the profit on each sale.

If you sell a Limited Edition Print through Limited by Artloca, artists are entitled to 50% of the profit on each sale. *Profit is calculated from the final sale price minus the costs of production.



Originals & Limited Edition Prints

80% of sale price

20% of sale price

Open Edition Prints

80% of sale price minus costs of print production

20% of sale price after costs of production

Limited by Artloca

50% of the sale price minus cost of print production

50% of sale price after costs of production

VAT charges on service fees

Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction involved, VAT may be charged on top of the Sellers fee. The service fee will include these VAT charges when applicable.

Privacy Standards

Last updated: January 2021

Handling Buyer’s Personal Information

As a Seller you will receive and use Buyers’ personal information to manage your sales and deliver your Artwork to their requested address. Please remember that you are responsible for complying with applicable privacy laws when you handle and process personal information. You should only use personal information you receive through the Artloca Platform as necessary to manage your orders and sales. You may not encourage or require Users to: open an account, leave a review, or otherwise interact, with a third-party website, application or service before, during or after a sale is complete, unless authorised by Artloca.

Cross-Border Transfers

If, in the course of selling your Artwork, (i) personal information is transferred to you from the European Economic Area, Switzerland or the UK (within the meaning of Article 44 of the General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR”) and (ii) the transfer does not benefit from an adequacy decision under Article 45 of the GDPR, then you agree to process the personal information you receive in accordance with the principles set out on Annex A of the standard contractual clauses (“Clauses”) contained in European Commission Decision 2004/915/EC. The Clauses are hereby incorporated into your agreement with us.

Standard Contractual Clauses

The information to complete the Clauses is as follows:

You are the “data importer.”

For Annex B of the Clauses:

(i) the data subjects are Buyers;

(ii) the purpose of the transfer is to enable you to provide the Artwork to the Buyer;

(iii) the categories of data may include the Buyer’s profile and full name, the full name of individuals who may receive the artwork as a gift, Buyer’s phone number, any other information the Buyer chooses to share, and additional information to assist with coordinating the Sale including messages exchanged with the Buyer;

(iv) the recipients of the data are any service providers you may choose to retain to assist you in providing the Sale;

(v) no sensitive data is being transferred;

(vi) there is no relevant data protection registration information unless you advise otherwise; and

(vii) for data protection enquiries you may contact our data protection officer at the contact us section here and we may contact you by email to the address on your profile.

Artloca’s Off-Platform Policy

Last updated: January 2021

By listing artwork on Artloca, you agree to abide by our terms and policies, including our Terms of Service, which we reserve the right to enforce at our sole discretion. In the event of repeated or severe violations, we may suspend or permanently deactivate a person’s account.

In order to protect our community and business, the following behaviours are prohibited:

Asking Members/Buyers for feedback outside of Artloca

Asking for Buyers to review you or your listing outside of Artloca takes valuable feedback from the community. We want Members/Buyers to share their feedback directly on Artloca so that other Members/Buyers may benefit from their insights. This includes:

  • Asking Buyers to review a Product purchased on a non-Artloca website, or taking reviews from Artloca and posting them on a non-Artloca website
  • Asking Members/Buyers to fill in a survey regarding a Product purchase via a non-Artloca website or form outside of Artloca

Asking Buyers for contact information prior to booking

All Buyers communications prior to a sale should be on Artloca. Asking Members/Buyers for contact information prior to a sale is prohibited. This includes:

  • Asking Members/Buyers for their phone number or email address prior to a sale
  • Asking Members/Buyers to call or email in order to discuss a product prior to sale (e.g. offering a bigger discount for buying directly by phone).
  • Asking Buyers to go to a third-party website or fill in a form in order to make a sale

Asking Members/Buyers for contact information after a sale or misusing contact information provided by Artloca

This includes asking for or using contact information for any reasons unrelated to a Buyer’s purchase, or in a way that compromises the quality of a Buyer’s experience of the art sold or the Artloca platform. Members/Buyers should be able to communicate directly with Sellers about their products/purchases through Artloca or via phone calls and texts. Soliciting additional contact information (email address, residential address) should be avoided and will be provided once a sale has concluded for shipping. 

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Asking Members/Buyers for an email address for the purpose of their artwork purchase and then subscribing them to marketing materials
  • Asking Members/Buyers to move the conversation to texts or emails in order to circumvent Artloca’s platform 
  • Asking Members/Buyers for contact information after a Sale in order to sell additional artwork

Artloca’s Content Policy

Last updated: January 2021

By posting content on Artloca, you agree to abide by this policy. We reserve the right to remove any content, in whole or part, that violates this policy, our Terms of Service, our Community Standards, our Review Policy, or for any other reason at our sole discretion.

In the event of repeated or severe violations, we may suspend or permanently deactivate the account(s) in question.

You can report the content directly or contact us to report content that appears to violate this policy.

The following content is never allowed on Artloca:

  • Content created solely for the purpose of advertising or other commercial content, including company logos, links, or company names
  • Spam, unwanted contact, or content that is shared repeatedly in a disruptive manner
  • Content that endorses or promotes illegal or harmful activity, or that is sexually explicit, violent, graphic, threatening, or harassing
  • Content that is discriminatory (review our Nondiscrimination Policy for more info)
  • Attempts to impersonate another person, account, or entity, including a representative of Artloca
  • Content that is illegal or that violates another person’s or entity’s rights, including intellectual property rights and privacy rights
  • Content that includes another person’s private or confidential information, including content that is sufficient to identify a Artworks owner outside the Artloca Platform.

The following are policy violations specific to a type of the content:

Listing titles

  • Listing titles that include information irrelevant to the listing type, style, or any other details
  • Listing titles that include symbols or emojis

Listing or profile pages

  • Listings and profiles that provide fraudulent, false, misleading, or deceptive information

Community Centre

  • Content that is off-topic, doesn’t ask a question, or doesn’t offer knowledge in response to a question as part of a larger discussion
  • Trolling or repeatedly targeting community members


Learn more about Artloca’s Review Policy.

  • Reviews that are biased and exhibit indications of extortion/incentivising, conflicts of interest, or direct competition
  • Reviews that contain no relevant information about a Buyer or Seller, or artwork listing will be removed. Reviews that contain mostly irrelevant information are also subject to removal, but only where the otherwise relevant information would not be expected to meaningfully inform the purchase decisions of other community members.

Artloca’s Review Policy

Last updated: January 2021

In order to build a platform of trust, we need to ensure that reviews on Artloca are useful, informative, and do not expose our community to harm. Therefore, Artloca expects that all reviews adhere to the following:

1. Reviews should not violate our content policy.

Some content is never allowed on Artloca. Read Artloca’s Content Policy.

2. Reviews should be unbiased.

Reviews are most helpful when they provide unbiased information. Therefore, we don’t allow individuals or entities who own or are affiliated with a listing or experience to post reviews of their business, nor do we allow individuals who are confirmed to offer competing listings or experiences to post reviews of their direct competitors.

You are not allowed to incentivise positive reviews, to use the threat of a negative review to manipulate a desired outcome, or to influence another’s review with the promise of compensation.

You are also not allowed to accept fake Purchase in exchange for a positive review, use a second account to leave yourself a review, or coordinate with business partners to get positive reviews.

3. Reviews should be relevant.

Keep your reviews relevant to Artloca and your purchase or experience. Other Buyers are reading your reviews to learn about the artist or Seller. Reviews that are off-topic are distracting and don’t help our Buyers make informed purchase decisions. For this reason, reviews should focus on your interactions with Sellers and the Product.

To keep reviews relevant, we recommend avoiding the following:

  • Commentary about a person’s social, political or religious views
  • Profanity, name calling, and assumptions about a person’s character or personality
  • Content that refers to circumstances entirely outside of another’s control
  • Content about services not related to Artloca
  • Commentary about past Artloca purchases, Sellers, or about the Artloca product where it does not relate to the listing or Seller you are rating

When we receive a report of a review that violates this policy, we may remove the review from our platform. Repeated violations may lead to suspension or permanent deactivation of responsible account(s).

Reporting a review that violates this policy

To report a review for violating Artloca’s review policy, contact us.

If you feel a review is untrue

While we encourage and expect all community members to post reviews that contain objective and accurate information, Artloca does not mediate disputes concerning truth or fairness. We expect the author of the review to stand behind the content of their review.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Last updated: January 2021

Artloca is, at its core, an open community dedicated to bringing the artwork of all corners of the world to one platform. Celebrating the locations that inspire artists and connecting them with the people who hold the location dear for whatever reason. Our community will include millions of people from virtually every country on the globe. It is an incredibly diverse community, drawing together individuals of different cultures, values, and norms.

The Artloca community is committed to building a world where people from every background feel welcome and respected. This commitment rests on two foundational principles that apply both to Artloca’s Buyers and Sellers: inclusion and respect. Our shared commitment to these principles enables all members of our community to feel welcome on the Artloca platform no matter who they are, where they come from, how they worship, or whom they love. 

While we do not believe that one company can mandate harmony among all people, we do believe that the Artloca community can promote empathy and understanding across all cultures. We are all committed to doing everything we can to help eliminate all forms of unlawful bias, discrimination, and intolerance from our platform. We want to promote a culture within the Artloca community—Buyers, Sellers and people just considering whether to use our platform—that goes above and beyond mere compliance. To that end, all of us, Artloca employees, Sellers and Buyers alike, agree to read and act in accordance with the following policy to strengthen our community and realise our mission of ensuring that everyone can belong, and feels welcome, anywhere.

  • Inclusion – We welcome people of all backgrounds with authentic hospitality and open minds. Joining Artloca, as a Buyer or Seller, means becoming part of a community of inclusion. Bias, prejudice, racism, and hatred have no place on our platform or in our community. While Sellers are required to follow all applicable laws that prohibit discrimination based on such factors as race, religion, national origin, and others listed below, we commit to do more than comply with the minimum requirements established by law.
  • Respect – We are respectful of each other in our interactions and encounters. To engage with each other respectfully, even when views may not reflect their beliefs or upbringings. Artloca’s members bring to our community an incredible diversity of background experiences, beliefs, and customs. By connecting people from different backgrounds, Artloca fosters greater understanding and appreciation for the common characteristics shared by all human beings and undermines prejudice rooted in misconception, misinformation, or misunderstanding.

Race, Colour, Ethnicity, National Origin, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Marital Status

  • Artloca Sellers may not:
    • Decline a Sale based on race, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.
    • Impose any different terms or conditions based on race, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.

Additional Considerations

The Nondiscrimination Policy applies to all parts of the Artloca business.


Last updated: January 2021


The global Artloca community is as diverse, unique and vibrant as the world around us. Fairness is what holds us together, what makes it possible for us to trust one another and integrate seamlessly within communities.

Discriminatory behaviour or hate speech

You should treat everyone with respect in every interaction. So, you should follow all applicable laws and not treat others differently because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, disability or serious diseases. Similarly, insulting others on these bases is not allowed.

What is Artloca’s Nondiscrimination Policy?

Bullying or harassing others

You should not share personal information to shame or blackmail others, target others with unwanted behaviour, defame others, or violate our review and content standards.


Your interactions with other Members of the Artloca community should be pleasant and respectful at all times. Since our community is built on trust, authenticity is essential – it requires a balance of shared expectations, honest interactions and accurate details.

Misrepresenting yourself

You should not provide a false name or date of birth, use listings for commercial purposes without the legal Owners permission, maintain duplicate accounts, or create an account if you’re under 18.

Misrepresenting your spaces

You should not provide inaccurate location information, have incorrect details, mislead people about the type, nature or details of your artwork listing, substitute one listing for another, set up fake or fraudulent listings, leave fraudulent reviews, engage in deceptive pricing, or fail to disclose damage etc.


The Artloca community must make commitments on sales and interactions based on these details, we have to be able to trust each other’s reliability – whether it be in timely communication, the condition of the artwork, or the expectations we set.

Providing damaged or misrepresented artwork

You should not provide Artwork in sub-standard condition or damage. You should not provide Artwork that are not legitimate or you have the legal right to sell.

Being unresponsive

You should not have persistently and pervasively low ratings, be unresponsive during sales or throughout a the shipping or order process, fail to provide an adequate point of contact for communication in your absense, or refuse to participate in our resolution process.

Copyright Policy

Last updated: January 2021

Notification of Copyright Infringement

Artloca Limited (“Artloca“) respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same.

It is Artloca’s policy, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, to disable and/or terminate the account or access of users who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing the copyright or other intellectual property rights of others. Artloca will respond to claims of copyright infringement committed using the Artloca website and mobile application (the “Site and Application“) that are reported to Artloca Limited following this Policy.

If you are a copyright owner, or are authorised to act on behalf of one, please report alleged copyright infringement taking place on or through the Site and Application by completing the following Notice of Alleged Infringement and delivering it to Artloca Limited as described below. Upon receipt of the Notice as described below, Artloca will take whatever action, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate, including removal of the challenged material from the Site and Application.

Notice of Alleged Copyright Infringement (“Notice”)

  1. Identify the specific copyright protected work that you claim has been infringed, or – if multiple works are covered by this Notice – you may provide a representative list of the works that you claim have been infringed.
  2. Identify the material that you claim is infringing (or to be the subject of infringing activity) and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material, including at a minimum, if applicable, the URL of the link shown on the Site and Application where such material may be found.
  3. Provide your mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, email address.
  4. Include both of the following statements in the body of the Notice:
    • “I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyright material is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use).”
    • “I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorised to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed.”
  1. Provide your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature.

Deliver this Notice, with all items completed, to Artloca Limited:

c/o [email protected]

Payments Terms

Last updated: January 2021

As a consumer you can access the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform here: Please note that Artloca Payments is not committed or obliged to use an alternative dispute resolution entity to resolve disputes with consumers.

Last Updated: January 2021

These Payments Terms of Service for Users (“Payments Terms”) are a binding legal agreement between you and Artloca Payments that govern the Payment Services (defined below) conducted through or in connection with the Artloca Platform. When these Payments Terms mention “Artloca Payments,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to:

  • Artloca Payments UK Ltd. (“Artloca Payments UK”)

Artloca Payments provides payments services to Members publishing, offering and buying artworksArtloca Platform. These payment services may include (if available) the following (collectively, “Payment Services”):

  • Collecting payments from Buyers (“Payin”), by charging the payment method associated with their Artloca account, such as credit card, debit card, bank account or PayPal account (“Payment Method”);
  • Effecting payments to Sellers (“Payout”) to a financial instrument associated with their Artloca account, such as a PayPal account, bank account, direct deposit, a prepaid card, or a debit card (“Payout Method”);
  • Effecting payments to a third-party Payout Method designated by a Seller;
  • Collection and payment of charitable donations;
  • Payment collection services; and
  • Other payment related services in connection with Seller Services.

In order to use the Payment Services, you must be at least 18 years old, must have an Artloca account in good standing in accordance with the Artloca Terms of Service (“Terms”), and must keep your payment and personal information accurate and complete.

If you change your country of residence, the Artloca company you contract with and the applicable version of the Payment Terms will be determined by your new country of residence from the date on which your country of residence changes. Please note, however, that the Artloca Payments company with whom you contract will stay the same for all sales made prior to your change of residence.

The Terms separately govern your use of the Artloca Platform. If you see an undefined term in these Payment Terms, it has the same definition as in the Terms.

Intellectual Property Policy

Last updated: January 2021

As a platform for artists, Artloca takes intellectual property rights very seriously. We comply with intellectual property laws and industry best practices in order to maintain the integrity of our creative marketplace. This Intellectual Property Policy explains how we address allegations of infringement, how authorised parties can submit proper notices of infringement regarding content on our marketplace, and how Artloca sellers can respond when their listings or shops are affected by a notice.

This policy is a part of our Terms of Use.

   1. Etsy’s Role 

   2. Notices of Intellectual Property Infringement 

   3. Counter Notices 

   4. Repeat Infringement 

   5. Notice Withdrawals 

   6. Resources

1. Artloca’s Role

Artloca is a marketplace comprised of individual third-party sellers who run their own shops, create their own policies, and are responsible for their inventory, shipments, and complying with the law. We provide a marketplace/platform, but Artloca does not manufacture goods, hold inventory, or ship items on behalf of our sellers. The content uploaded on Artloca’s marketplace is generated by independent sellers who are not employees, agents, or representatives of Artloca. Sellers are responsible for ensuring they have all necessary rights to their content and that they are not infringing or violating any third party’s rights by posting it.

Artloca reserves the right to disable any listing, shop, or account that we believe violates our Terms of Use, including this Intellectual Property Policy or our Prohibited Items Policy. Artloca also reserves the right to take action against abusers of Artloca’s Intellectual Property Policy or our Terms of Use.

Artloca can’t speak on behalf of intellectual property owners, nor is Artloca in a position to offer legal advice or make legal determinations whether a shop’s content infringes someone else’s intellectual property. Artloca will remove material cited for alleged intellectual property infringement when provided with a proper notice.

2. Notices of Intellectual Property Infringement

Artloca strives to respond quickly when we receive proper notice of intellectual property infringement by removing or disabling access to the allegedly infringing material. When Artloca removes or disables access in response to a notice, Artloca makes a reasonable attempt to contact the affected member, provide information about the notice and removal, and, in cases of alleged copyright infringement, provide information about how to submit a counter notice. Artloca may also provide a copy of the infringement notice, including the name and email address of the reporting party, to the affected member.

Please email [email protected] to provide notice of claimed infringement to Artloca’s legal team.

Artloca may request additional information before processing a notice, such as identity verification of the reporting party or documentation regarding the claimed right. Artloca may reject notices or counter notices that contain information we believe is false, fraudulent, incomplete, or otherwise submitted in bad faith. Artloca also reserves the right to take action against abusers of this policy.

3. Counter Notice

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Artloca accepts counter notices for copyright notices only. When Artloca receives a DMCA counter notice, we will provide a copy of the counter notice to the original complaining party. The removed material may be replaced or access to it may be restored 10 business days after the counter notice is processed, unless the copyright owner files an action seeking a court order against the allegedly infringing party and informs Artloca of this action.

4. Repeat Infringement

Artloca terminates selling privileges of members who are subject to repeat or multiple notices of intellectual property infringement in appropriate circumstances and at Artloca’s discretion. If we believe a member has attempted to open a new shop after termination of the initial account, we reserve the right to refuse all services to that member. These actions apply to any accounts we believe are associated with or operated by the affected member. Per our Terms of Use, Artloca reserves the right to terminate account privileges at any time, for any reason, and without advance notice.

5. Notice Withdrawals

Artloca only accepts withdrawals of infringement notices directly from the intellectual property owner or authorised representative who submitted the claim. The withdrawal must clearly state that it is a formal withdrawal and sufficiently identify the member and/or material (such as by providing the username, shop name, and Artloca listing URLs).

Once Artloca receives a formal withdrawal of a notice of infringement, Artloca makes reasonable attempts to contact both parties involved to confirm receipt from the party submitting the withdrawal and to inform the member affected by the withdrawal. Please note that infringement matters are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and withdrawals do not guarantee changes to a member’s shop status.

Artloca’s Return Policies

Last updated: January 2021

Artloca is committed to ensuring the 100% satisfaction of our art collectors and members. That’s why once you’ve received an original artwork, we’ll give you seven (7) days to decide whether or not you’d like to keep that artwork or return it for a refund. 

Open Edition prints are eligible for return 30 days after the date you received your order.

You may return any eligible artwork (i.e. artwork that is not one of the Final Sale items, listed below), provided that it is returned to the artist in its original condition and packaging.

The return guarantee is NOT applicable to the following final sale items:

  • Framed/Matted Open Edition Prints
  • Limited Edition Works
  • Special Collection Works

How Do I Return An Original Work?

Before reading the instructions provided below on how to return an original work, please carefully read our Original Artwork Return Policy:

Original Artwork Return Policy

From the time you receive your original artwork from our couriers, you have seven (7) days to decide whether to keep the work or return the artwork in its original condition for a refund.  

We also require all returned artwork to be shipped out by the buyer within three (3) days after confirming with us that the work will be returned. So, if you receive artwork you’ve purchased from Artloca and are not fully satisfied, you have: 

  1. Seven (7) days to contact us about your intent to return the work
  2. Three (3) days from the day you contacted us to ship out the artwork. ***Do not ship the artwork before contacting us; you must first contact us.***

If you do not notify us of your intent to return the work within 7 days of receipt or you do not ship the work within 3 days of notifying us, you will NOT be eligible for a refund. (Some exceptions will apply. Please contact us for an assessment of your specific situation.)

How to Return an Original, Undamaged Work

Step 1 – Within seven (7) days of your merchandise delivery date, please call us between the hours of 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM PST Monday through Saturday or email [email protected] to give us your order information and the reason for wanting to return the work.

Step 2 – Repackage the artwork using the original packaging materials used by the artist. If you’ve already disposed of the original packaging, you’ll be responsible for purchasing packaging materials to send the artwork back safely to the artist. Please refer to our Packaging Guidelines for instructions on how to safely package artwork for shipment.

Step 3 – Email [email protected] to complete the return process.

Once the piece safely reaches the artist, Artloca will process your return and the amount owed will be refunded to your original source of payment in the same currency and using the same exchange rate as your original order (minus shipping costs and international customs fees, if any) within 7-10 business days of your merchandise return.

Additional return information—PLEASE READ.

  • Additional shipping fees may apply for international returns. 

What to Do If the Artwork Arrives Damaged

Step 1 – Within seven (7) days of your merchandise delivery date, please call us between the hours of 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM PST Monday through Saturday or email [email protected] to give us your order information.

Step 2 – Save original packaging!

Step 3 – Take photos of damaged artwork and packaging. Please email these photos to [email protected].

Step 4 – A Artloca support representative will contact you to discuss next steps.

How Do I Return An Open Edition Print?

Before reading the instructions provided below on how to return an open edition print, please carefully read our Open Edition Print Return Policy:

Open Edition Print Return Policy

From the time you receive your open edition print, you have 30 days to return your order for a refund, provided that it isn’t a final sale item (see below these step-by-step instructions for a list of final sale items). 

NOTE: Only open edition prints are eligible for our return policy. Limited edition prints are considered final sale items.

Step 1 – Please call us between the hours of (9:00 AM – 6:00 PM PST Monday through Saturday) or email [email protected] within 30 days of your merchandise delivery date.

Step 2 – On the return portion of the packing slip, indicate the return reason from the options provided.

Step 3 – Repackage the print, making sure to include:

  • Your order number and contact information
  • The return portion of your original packing slip
  • Address the package to:

Step 4 – Ship your return package using a traceable shipping method and email the shipping details (including tracking number) to [email protected].

Artloca is not responsible for undelivered returns. Artloca will process your return and the amount owed will be refunded to your original source of payment in the same currency and using the same exchange rate as your original order (minus shipping costs and international customs fees, if any) within 7-10 business days of your merchandise return.

Final Sale Items

Our money-back guarantee is NOT applicable to the following final sale items:

  • Framed/Matted open edition prints
  • Limited Edition works
  • Special Collection works

What to Do if the Print Arrives Defective 

Step 1 – Please call us between the hours of (9:00 AM – 6:00 PM PST Monday through Saturday) or email [email protected] within 30 days of your merchandise delivery date.

Step 2 – Take photos of the defective print and the packaging and email the photographs to [email protected].

Step 3 – After reviewing the photographs, Artloca will ship a replacement print for your defective purchase. 

* Shipping times and shipping rates may depend on the location of the shipment address and the size of the item(s) being shipped. All items purchased through the Artloca marketplace platform are manufactured by an affiliate or pursuant to an agreement with a third-party vendor and shipped to the customer pursuant to arrangements with various shipping carriers for final delivery. This means risk of loss and title for all items purchased pass to you upon the manufacturer’s delivery of the product(s) to the carrier.

  • We do not offer expedited shipping options (sorry, no exceptions)

Artloca’s Return Policies

Last updated: January 2021

If you’re unsatisfied with an order, you may be able to return or exchange your order depending on the Seller’s policies. To request a return, return label, or exchange, contact the shop:

  1. Sign in to your account..
  2. Click or tap Purchases and reviews.
  3. Click Help with order next to the order you’re interested in.
  4. Click or tap Message Seller.
  5. In the text box that appears, let the seller know that you’d like to return or exchange an item.
  6. Click or tap the arrow icon or press Enter to send. The seller will be notified of the new message and can respond.

Sellers aren’t required to accept a return or exchange unless stated in their Seller policies. On the Help with order page, you can click or tap View shop return policy to check the shop policies. If the seller is willing to accept this return, be sure to settle on these details in a message before returning the item:

  • Where you should send it
  • The time frame in which they wish to receive it
  • Who will be responsible for the cost of return shipping, if not written in the shop’s policies

What are shop policies?

Each seller on Artloca is responsible for their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns. Policies vary from shop to shop.

Before purchasing, review the shop’s Returns & exchanges policy. You can find the shop’s policies on the listing page under Shipping & returns, or by clicking Policies at the top of their shop homepage.

Specific questions about a shop’s policies are best answered by the seller. Contact the shop with any questions about their policies.

What should I do if the seller doesn’t accept returns?

If the seller doesn’t accept returns, you may be able to open a case with Artloca. You can open a case if your order wasn’t as it was described on Artloca.

To open a case please email [email protected].